Antique and collectible history / Antique Music Boxes

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A. S. Brown & Co. Manufacturing Ltd. And Mascot Powder Compacts History & Heritage

A. S. Brown & Co. Manufacturing Ltd. And Mascot Powder Compacts History & Heritage

The Mascot brand was owned by the London based company A.S. Brown & Co. (Manufacturing) Ltd. of 79-83 Coborn Road, Bow, London, E3. Following the end of WWII the company switched from producing aircraft components to making powder compacts and fancy goods (such as dressing table sets). A.S. Brown signed its compacts in a variety of ways, for example, 'ASB', 'ASB Mascot', ‘Mascot’, and sometimes solely with a crown and even a blank oblong cartouche without the accompanying brand name.
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All About Antique Music Boxes, Musical Powder Boxes & Reuge Music Boxes

All About Antique Music Boxes, Musical Powder Boxes & Reuge Music Boxes

As antique and vintage music boxes are very popular and becoming increasingly collectable we wanted to create this guide detailing some of the most popular music boxes you're likely to encounter.
In this post we'll also aim to provide useful information about their origins and how to keep them playing well. 
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