Antique and collectible history / Laughton & Sons Ltd

Early Vintage Stratton Queen Convertible Powder Compact

How The Stratton "Queen" Model Evolved To Be The "Queen Convertible"

The earliest Stratton Queen Convertible models were a little deeper in appearance. The interior cases were fitted with inner annular rings but these were of a different style than those fitted in the later models. They appear to cover less of the powder well.
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Rare Vintage Stratton Foil Ship Compact Mirrors

Construction Of Foil Backed Stratton "Scone" Maritime Themed Compacts

This post has been created to show the construction of the Stratton "Scone" model when it is fitted with foil backed maritime themed lid inserts.
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Vintage Stratton Brand Presentation Boxes And Puffs

Vintage Stratton Brand Presentation Boxes And Puffs

Sometimes we see listings where the merchant states that the Stratton compact is presented in the original box. On occasions these Stratton brand vanities date to the 1950s and the “original box” dates to the 1980s! 

The following information has been compiled to show the wide variety of Stratton brand presentation boxes and puffs.

However, this brand was so long lived this may not be a complete guide. 

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Vintage Stratton Brand Sunglasses 1950s Catalogue Full Colour

Vintage Stratton Brand Sunglasses 1950s Catalogue Full Colour

This trade catalogue dates to c.1958 because the company used the name Laughton & Sons Ltd. on the back cover. 

Meanwhile the listing shown below in the April 26 1958 edition of The Chemist And Druggist describes the makers as JARRETT RAINSFORD & LAUGHTON LTD., WARSTOCK ROAD, BIRMINGHAM 14. 

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Josiah Wedgwood History And Stratton Powder Compacts

Josiah Wedgwood History And Stratton Powder Compacts

The collaboration of Laughton & Sons Ltd. (owners of Stratton compact mirrors & accessories) & Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Ltd. was one that worked so well. Laughton & Sons commissioned Wedgwood to make commemorative plaques to adorn their vanities and also purely decorative mounts.

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Vintage Stratton Compact Advertisement History Of Stratton Brand

Stratton Compact Mirrors & History Of Jarrett Rainsford & Laughton & Laughton & Sons Ltd.

The company which was to go on to make the wonderful Stratton brand powder compacts which are so highly collectible today was formed in 1860. This firm was one of the great British companies which manufactured world class products.  These ranged from elegant accessories to marine radios. The business employed a highly skilled and dedicated workforce from 1860 until 1997 when production ceased. We have included an illustrated timeline.




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