Watrous Manufacturing Co. The Twinette Vanity Case And The International Silver Company
The International Silver Company operated from 1898–1983. The company was also styled as ISC. The company was formed Meriden, Connecticut.
At one time this business was the largest company in the world specialising in the production of silverware.
The following companies formed the International Silver Company:
Meriden Britannia Company, Meriden Silver Plate Co., Middletown Plate Company, C. Rogers & Brother, Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., Simpson Nickel Company, Watrous Manufacturing Company, and the Wilcox Silver Co.
These companies were located in Meriden, Wallingford or Middletown.
The following Hartford companies also joined the corporation:
Barbour Silver Company, Rogers Cutlery and William Rogers Manufacturing Company. Other Connecticut companies that became part of the corporation also include Holmes & Edwards Silver Company in Bridgeport, Derby Silver Company (Derby), Norwich Cutlery (Norwich), Rogers and Brothers & Rogers & Brothers and Roger and Rogers & Hamilton (Waterbury)
This huge enterprise was also joined by Manhattan Silver Plate ( New York) and Standard Silver Company Ltd (Toronto).
These companies often carried on using their own brand names or their wares were stamped International Silver Company or International Sterling. Often more than one of these registered names appear stamped on their silver products, as you can see on the image below.
The image is taken from a 1920s sterling silver Twinette compact mirror. The letter W is almost encircled by what appears to be a large C. Some people state that this character is a half moon, rather than a letter. This is the maker’s mark of the Watrous Manufacturing Company. In this instance the character does appear rather like a letter.
There are other variations of the mark in which the character does look much more like a crescent moon.
The image of the maker’s mark on the base of the compact also gives information about the date of a patented design. But if you look for a patent with that date applied for by the Watrous Manufacturing Company you will not find one. This is because the company purchased the patent from the inventor, Oswald Cathcart in 1922. The inventor was the General and Advertising Manager of Lazell Perfumer. This firm was one of the earliest perfume manufacturers in America. Cathcart wished to design a vanity case which offered a much larger area for face powder and a smaller compartment for rouge.
He stated:
The quantity of rouge which will be used during any given period will ordinarily be very much less than the quantity of powder required.
Our notes:
We are grateful to Michael Hetherington for his research which dates this compact to 1923 - 1924 and also provides the name of the inventor.
Fig. 1 represents a perspective view of vanity case embodying one form of my invention in which the rouge compartment is located in an aperture in the cover of the main box or powder compartment, the cover of the rouge compartment being illustrated in open position.
Our notes:
As you can see from the image above left, the Twinette was made in shapes other than round. The catches may also vary. The compact on the left is fitted with a clasp which is suitable for a wrist strap with a slider to tighten the strap around the wrist. The base of the compact is also fitted with a bale on to which a tassel would have been attached.
Scroll down the page to see the 1924 advertisement which the firm placed in Vogue to picture these appendages.
Fig. 2 is a view of the same case showing the main cover raised to open the powder compartment.
Here you can see the detachable mirror, 10, which forms the base of the rouge compartment.
PATENT NO. 1423079
In the bottom of the main body member, 1 is placed the supply of powder which is preferably in the form of a solid cake indicated as 7 (Fig. 3) supported by the usual plate, 8, of metal or other suitable material.
Our notes:
The solid cake (pressed face powder) sits on a metal plate.
This design of vanity box is also suitable for loose foundation.
More information from the inventor:
It will be understood, however, that powder in other forms may be placed in the powder compartment although I prefer to employ the solid form in order to avoid the possibility of the powder being spilled as it is used.
VOGUE 1924
Unedited text on the main body of the advertisement which appeared in Vogue in 1924.
The advertisement shown previously has the image shown above attached to the bottom.
It reads as follows:
We cropped this off the bottom to make the advertisement large enough to read.
PATENT NO. 1423079
PATENT NO. 1423079
PATENT NO. 1423079
In Figs. 4 and 5 I have illustrated another embodiment of the invention.
Our notes:
The illustrations above show another design of this vanity case with the rouge 122 at the bottom of the case
PATENT NO. 1423079
PATENT NO. 1423079
We have included four pages from the Watrous Manufacturing Co. / Sterling International Co. 1929 catalogue.
More hallmarked silver compacts and vanities.
Michael Hetherington's collectingcompactsblogspot
Patent Office