How to date your vintage Stratton powder compact.
Eleanor & I made a video for people who wished to date their vintage Stratton powder compacts.
In 1997 the Company that made the Stratton powder compacts was sold & they ceased to be British made. Many collectors like only to collect antique or vintage powder compacts & so it is essential that we can date our purchases. Today Stratton compacts are still being made but they are not vintage compacts & there is a lot of confusion about what is & is not a vintage Stratton. Vintage Stratton powder compacts are sought after because these British made vanities were made to extremely high standards. For example: Stratton were famed for the quality of their enamel decorations.
The vast vintage Stratton archive has been documented by a wonderful lady called Juliette Edwards. Juliette Edwards is rightly considered to be the vintage Stratton expert & we are grateful to her for releasing this information in her very informative book " The Stratton Identification Key ".
We are happy to work with museum curators, film companies & journalists who wish to feature vanities & collectibles.
However, we do not offer a free valuation, dating or identification service to members of the public regarding their own collections etc.
Contact Danielle:
+44 (0)789 6616374
Find out if your Stratton compact is rare.
View an illustrated history of the makers of the Stratton brand.